Friday, January 22, 2010

Bryan's Mission Call

The night we returned back from Las Vegas my brother opened up his mission call. He will be serving in the Helsinki Finland Mission!!! We all could not believe it and we all cried. We knew my mom must have had a hand in this decision. My mother was born and raised in Finland. She joined the church in Finland at the age of 18 and served a mission in Finland. My brother is so excited. This is where my mom wanted Bryan to serve. My mom wanted more than anything to get better so she could help Bryan with his mission but we now know she will be able to help him even more now that she is on the other side.

So many tender mercies had been given to my family this past December. My mom was able to see and say goodbye to all her children and grandchildren before she passed. She passed with all of us around her. My brother received the Melchizedek Priesthood the day after my mom passed away, Brielle was given her baby blessing, and my brother received his mission call to Finland two weeks after my mom had passed away. This will be a month I will never forget. I have felt the love of my Savior in so many ways these past few months. I am so grateful for eternal families and for the gospel. I will be eternally grateful for those two young 19 year old missionaries who came to my mothers home that cold January night and knocked on the door.

1 comment:

Raina said...

Wow! I can't believe it Finland! That is so amazing to me!